Monday, March 26, 2018

Nothing Exciting, Part 18

After her swim into the sea to escape the newborns, Ann is thrown up onto the other side of the ocean. She starts to wonder if she's made the right choice, leaving those two all alone over there. 

Meanwhile, in the other body of water, Abby, Baxter, and Bambi try to figure out how boats work. These boats always kind of frustrated me as I felt like creatures would get stuck in them an awful lot. I think I'll replace them with bridges eventually.

It seems Amber may have heard that there are newborns somewhere and goes to seek them out. She rolls her eyes at Cain's absurd remarks and wonders if she should have taken the long way around the world.

She doesn't have to go too far before coming across Doreen and stops to examine her closely. Exhausted, yes, but aren't we all?  

Finally, Amber stops by to visit Ann, who has made her way back to the other side of the ocean. She gives her a brief lecture on either expressing her limitless power as a nature goddess, or the importance of birth control. Maybe both? You can never tell with these norns. Always so vague.

Meanwhile, back at the boats, Bambi is starting to get the hang of things as she goes back and forth across the sea.

She finally stops to rest and finds Abby, napping in her favorite spot again. It really is a nice place for a nap. I guess with C2 norns being fairly inclined to travel horizontally, the confusion of boats might serve the purpose of creating those little pockets of isolation, giving those who need alone time a higher chance of getting it.

With Ann suddenly mysteriously absent, Amber takes on the task of teaching the newborns how to use the raft. Doreen is super angry about this, hiding being her tail.

But it turns out Ann's absence was actually rather tragic. An attempt at a routine swim seems to have failed as she managed to fall or glitch into a part of the ocean where the puffer fish couldn't reach her. I didn't even notice this was happening until I saw the death notice and she was already floating upwards.

'Coo dat?" Doreen expresses confusion at the sight of her mom rising out from the sea. Sadly, it seems Amber's lesson to the little ones is going to have to be about more than just boats.

1 comment:

  1. >> She gives her a brief lecture on either expressing her limitless power as a nature goddess, or the importance of birth control. Maybe both? You can never tell with these norns. Always so vague.

    Brilliant! Tragic ending though :( I definitely went for the bridges, though then you sometimes get Norns that will only walk in 1 direction.
